I feel like us Latinas have a lot to be proud of its not only a race is also a culture we have our own music, we have delicious food, I mean who doesn't love Mexican food. We have our own slang words in spanish that only us hispanic people all understand. Each Latino country have there own pride of being latino. What I personally love about myself of being latina is having those curve, thighs, and thick long brown hair, brown eyes and absolutely everything about myself I love.

What motivates you??
Well i have to say Life motivates me, Love motivates me, my family motivates me. I just love living life to the fullest. Because it's short , that's why it's important to enjoy the journey. The pass will always be the past but the future is something we can all look forward to, especially if we're positive!
What advice would you a girl struggling with self esteem issues?
My advice would be to never quit to continue your dream of having that body you've always dreamed about, because dreams do come true!! I' myself, am a living proof of that, after I had my kids my 5 kids it was really hard to go back into shape. I thought I would never get my High School figure back, and now I tell you to love yourself to know your worth to work hard and all your hard work will pay off! Because if I can do it anybody can do it too. If today you feel discourage look around you, I bet you have a lot to live for and to look your best. It's never too late to start over everyday is a New Day! Find the best in you!

My motivation is pretty clear☝☝☝😃
Dam gurl